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Centipedes - Magna Pest Solutions

What are Centipedes

Centipedes in the home can be a significant nuisance, not only because they can evoke fear but also due to concerns about their bites and potential infestations. While house centipedes are not poisonous to humans, their bites can cause mild pain and irritation.

A house centipede infestation often begins when these pests are attracted to damp areas like basements and bathrooms, where they hunt for other insects. Signs of a house centipede infestation can include frequent sightings or an abundance of other pests, which serve as their food source.

Homeowners may wonder how to get rid of centipedes, and effective methods include using centipede repellents, addressing moisture issues, and contacting pest control professionals if the problem persists.

Despite their beneficial role in controlling other insects, encountering a centipede indoors can still be unsettling due to their rapid movement and unsettling appearance.

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How do I get rid of centipedes?

Reduce Moisture
Eliminate moisture in and around your home, as centipedes thrive in damp environments.

Seal Cracks and Gaps
Seal cracks and gaps around doors, windows, and foundations to prevent centipedes from entering.

Keep Home Clean and Clutter-Free
Maintain a clean, clutter-free environment where centipedes might hide.

Use Traps or Insecticides
If centipedes are present, use traps or insecticides specifically targeted at them.

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What are the signs of a centipede infestation?
Signs of a centipede infestation include spotting the pests themselves, particularly in dark, damp areas like basements, bathrooms, and crawl spaces. Centipedes are often found under sinks, in bathtubs, or around baseboards. They are nocturnal, so seeing them during the day might indicate a larger problem. Magna Pest Solutions provides thorough inspections and targeted treatments to quickly address centipede infestations and ensure your home is pest-free.

What attracts centipedes?
Centipedes are attracted to moisture and dark, damp environments. They often enter homes in search of food, such as insects and spiders, which are their primary diet. Keeping your home dry and reducing insect populations can help deter centipedes. Regularly checking and fixing leaks, using dehumidifiers, and sealing entry points can reduce the chances of a centipede infestation.

When are centipede invasions likely to occur?
Centipedes are most active during the warmer months, particularly in spring and summer. However, they can invade homes year-round, especially when the weather turns cooler, and they seek warmth and food indoors. Regular pest control measures, such as Magna Pest Solutions’ Premium Pest Control, can provide year-round protection against centipedes and other pests, keeping your home safe and comfortable.

Why should I get rid of these?
While centipedes are generally not harmful to humans, their presence can be unsettling, and some larger species can deliver a painful bite. They are also an indication of other pest problems, as they feed on insects. Removing centipedes helps maintain a clean, comfortable living environment and prevents potential bites and the spread of other pests.